Let’s look at a popular lotion described as hypoallergenic to calm and nourish normal and dry sensitive skin.
What’s in it?

The manufacturer will have a reason for inclusion of each ingredient, it’s not our role to comment on ingredient purpose in other brands’ formulations – however half of them have higher risk and may not help sensitive skin. Even Isopropyl Palmitate with its EWG:1 rating is a potential problem as it is comedogenic, meaning it clogs pores.
By comparison our Ultrasensitive Skin Rescue Lotion is made entirely from ingredients rated 1 by EWG and selected for non-irritant supportive skincare. Zinc Gluconate(1) is the only exception and is included at 2% for good reason.

- Why Have We Included Zinc Gluconate?
It's true our lotion is more expensive than the comparator – special natural ingredients cost more than bulk synthetics…. but the difference and ability to care for your skin effectively is worth it.
Written by Dr Jude Lenart, PhD in Natural Medicine
This is general information for our readers, not medical advice or opinion.
Jude has a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine - she is not a medical practitioner.
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