Biovital Ingredients

Every single one of our treasured ingredients has been used for thousands of years by many cultures and scientifically or medically confirmed in modern times as naturally medicinal & beneficial.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

This renowned succulent is nature's first-line answer to unhappy skin. The gel is soothing, hydrating, protective and healing. It feels marvellous and in low concentrations can also support oral health. Aloe is the major component of several Bio-First tropicaIs so please consider this if among the very few with sensitivity to it.



Cultivated in Egypt 4,000 years ago, this aromatic flowering plant has been widely used in food and medicine by several cultures, and around the world in modern times. Its distinctive strong flavour, digestive calming and antimicrobial effects are well known, with antiviral properties having also been recently confirmed. Bio-First searched for a gentle non-alcohol anise seed extract but only found cheap powders, so we commissioned our specialised supplier of natural liquids to make one for us to use in syrups and oral sprays.



This thorny flowering tree found only in Morocco produces a nut with kernels from which a precious oil is extracted. Argan is a unique species with no relatives. Trees can be 200 years old, surviving tough arid conditions to yield a non-clogging oil highly valued remedy for skin health, hydration, barrier repair, protection and enhancement. Prized by the Phoenicians 1500 years ago and loved for skincare today.

Barbary Fig

Barbary Fig

Nature triumphs over adversity with this thick-stemmed cactus that has three different flower colours which produce fruit ranging from green through orange to pink. Tasting like sweet watermelon, this fruit has seeds with a higher vitamin E content than any other – and it takes one ton of seeds to make one litre of oil, so this is a premium and precious ingredient. Native to Central America the Barbary Fig survives and thrives in arid conditions of extreme hot and cold. Not surprisingly it has exceptional protective qualities highly valued by the Aztecs, and later Berbers in North Africa. Bio-First uses only the best organic oil from Morocco for these protective attributes, especially against UV damage, inflammation and plaque psoriasis.It is also collagen boosting, an extra bonus.



This unassuming root vegetable is virtually a health miracle, not only as a potentnutrient but also as a nitric oxide booster of value even in the context of viruses as a respiratory protectant. The humble red beet is packed with powerful anthocyanins, flavonoids and fibre (those with FODMAP sensitivity should avoid overconsuming). Bio-First uses a concentrated juice from Europe that is rich, syrupy and a delicious health base for some of our liquids.



The bergamot orange is a Mediterranean fruit, yellowish green outside and lime coloured inside. Bergamot blossom is creamy white with a gorgeous scent and the whole plant has a distinctive citrus fragrance familiar to many in Earl Grey tea, and appealing to most people. The essential oil is extracted from inside the fruit rind. It purifies and tones, is cleansing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Bio-First chooses non-phototoxic bergamot oil from Italy for complete confidence in skincare use.

Collodial Oatmeal

Colloidal Oatmeal

High-grade colloidal oatmeal has an impressive pedigree in skincare for reducing inflammation and itch. It acts as a pre-biotic, improving skin barrier function and demonstrating efficacy for Eczema-prone skin. This purely natural remedy is gentle and very well received by human skin, young or old.



Cool, calm soothing cucumber has long been a home remedy for tired dehydrated or inflamed skin. It actually has the same pH range as our skin surface, making it nice and gentle. Cucumber reduces water loss and also sebum levels, improving hydration and balancing oiliness. The fruit extract has a lovely fresh aroma that enhances natural formulations.



Back to before the time of the bible, frankincense has a mystical and medical aura…. It is the original incense. Frankincense oil is made from the resin of Boswellia trees, native to the Middle East, India and parts of Africa. The heady scent is known to arouse beneficial responses and the oil has many uses in topical forms. Bio-First uses a particular variety, Boswellia carterii, for its special properties and suitability.



Ginger (Zingiber officinale) A prized and versatile medicinal botanical throughout Asia for at least 5,000 years, Ginger made its way to Hawaii and now grows in warm places around the world, displaying a fine green top and range of exotic looking flowers. But for health purposes what really counts is underground – rhizomes full of bioactive compounds useful for digestion, nausea, and other issues. Bio-First chooses a premium Ginger liquid with phytoactives that may help alleviate coughs by reducing inflammation and relaxing the airways. Powerfully flavoursome and warming.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Here we have a lovely flowering evergreen, native to East Asia where it has been used in a medicinal way for possibly 5,000 years! Well known in the West as a drink, Green Tea is used by Bio-First in topical products for skin protection and anti-inflammatory effects which can help relieve redness or rosacea-prone skin. Our Green Tea extract is alcohol-free, thus retaining its naturally subtle aroma and non-irritant character.



Like aloes, jojoba is a desert native but this one looks more like small olive trees. The fruit contains a wax, commonly known as jojoba oil. Like many species from arid lands, jojoba has exceptional characteristics of value to human life. Bio-First favours jojoba for it's outstanding sebum compatibility, moisturising quality, and repairing nature. It is simply a joy to use.

Kakadu Plum

Kakadu Plum

Native to tropical Northern Australia, the Kakadu plum has by far the highest Vitamin C content of any fruit in the world. Rightly revered by indigenous people it also contains several other antioxidants. Kakadu has multiple traditional uses as a food and medicine, especially for helping to prevent and relieve colds and flu. Our sugar-free syrup is made from plums wild-harvested by local communities, processed without alcohol or chemical additives. Bio-first appreciates the opportunity to share this treasured remedy with you in liquid products.



A close relative with a different name, Kanuka resembles manuka and also yields a wonderful rich honey. While manuka is the red 'tea tree', kanuka is the white 'tea tree'. At Christmas time in New Zealand summer, its masses of tiny blossom give the native bush a snow kissed appearance. Kanuka is slightly more delicate than manuka, the oil is lighter and aroma softer but health benefits are many and various. Kanuka is an underappreciated member of the family now gaining well-deserved recognition, particularly by Bio-First.

Lemon Myrtle

Lemon Myrtle

This 'first cousin' of the extended Myrtaceae family is native to Australia. It is found as a small tree with bright shiny leaves and clusters of white lemon scented flowers. All parts of lemon myrtle have a divine citrus scent, fresh and uplifting. With a widely used intense flavour, it also has important antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic activity.



Macadamia (Integrifolia et al) Native to Australia, a 50 million year old macadamia pollen fossil was found in Queensland, originally a vast rainforest. Macadamia oil has multiple benefits for the skin. Being very rich in oleic acid it is super moisturising and anti-inflammatory. The high palmitoleic acid content helps manage burns, wounds and scratches while providing antimicrobial protection. Added to this, a touch of linoleic acid helps restore skin barrier function and reduce water loss. Phytosterols in macadamia oil act as penetration enhancers to deliver all these benefits where needed. A treat for your skin.



Maori people of New Zealand knew the magic of manuka, and later arrivals quickly appreciated its value in wellness and illness. Bio-First uses manuka leaf, manuka oil, and medical grade manuka honey in its genuine natural remedies. and the world famous manuka honey as special ingredients. Every part of this New Zealand native has unique properties and character. The leaves make a wonderful tea rich in vitamin C and phyto-actives, the small pretty flowers have a distinctive aroma and pollen loved by bees, the seed capsules are potent and protective. Manuka is a proven antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. The honey has multiple uses and powerful healing qualities. Manuka is truly magic.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle

This widespread robust plant has striking purple flowers and large serrated leaves but it is the seeds that are used in health and medicine. Traditionally and still today milk thistle is taken orally however topical use is emerging strongly. The seed extract is impressively bioactive in skin protection and repair, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. The seed oil is lovely and light. much richer in tocopherols than vitamin E, and beautifully restorative. Overall an amazing ‘new secret’ in skincare.

Native River Mint

Native River Mint

Native River Mint (Mentha Australia) Found only in Australia, this delicate member of the mint family grows wild in and near river or creek beds so supplies can be very scarce in the times of flood or drought. We use a beautiful sugar-free syrup made from hand picked river mint with a powerful spearmint flavour. It contains many bioactives including two especially useful for antimicrobial respiratory relief.



Olive trees are native to the Mediterranean where they have played a special role in food, health, society and spiritual symbolism for many cultures. The trees can have immense longevity – one in Portugal has been dated at nearly 3,500 years old so there are thousands around that have ‘lived through’ all of modern history as we know it! Bio-First uses olive-based ingredients for their exceptional emollient qualities in moisturising and hydrating the skin.



Papaya (Carica papaya) This large luscious fruit is found throughout the tropics in abundant bunches on low trees. Fermented papaya has a special role in skin health as an anti-inflammatory antioxidant that relieves psoriasis prone skin and may reduce contact hypersensitivity. Bio-First uses an Australian bio-fermented fruit and leaf concentrate made with 6 probiotic strains: 4 lactobacillus; 1 bifidobacterium lactus; 1 S. boulardi - perfect for both the skin and within.



Literally in a class of its own, pomegranate has no close relatives and is truly unique, from its smooth blush exterior to its seed filled interior. Originating in the cradle of civilisation, pomegranate has a proud history in health use due to its antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from that the juice of this exotic fruit is delicious, nutritious and intense.



Straight from the heart of the sacred sandalwood tree comes its oil, rare and precious. The exotic fragrance is beguiling and unique, appreciated equally by males and females. In natural medicine sandalwood is applied topically, infused, inhaled, and sometimes ingested. It is toning, penetrating, soothing, antimicrobial and balancing, perfect for topical use. Sandalwood essential oil is highly prized and priced .... beware of imitations. We only use the real thing

Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn

Truly an amazing plant that survives sub-zero climates and high altitudes where the red-gold berries are often picked frozen! Its survival depends on especially on having very high Vitamin C content plus linoleic acid, also found in human skin sebum. Sea buckthorn oil is gold-ruby coloured, containing special properties for skin regeneration and repair – it has even been found to increase skin thickness. Among our planet’s most intensive oils, Bio-First includes sea buckthorn to help moisturise, soften, restore and protect.

Self Heal

Self Heal

An ancient member of the mint family, self heal (Prunella vulgaris) is found growing in most parts of the world and has been highly valued in many cultures. This aromatic edible herb produces vivid purple blue flowers and tender, tasty leaves. All parts of the plant have been used medicinally for a wide variety of healing issues both internal and external, hence its other common name of Heal All. We use a custom formulated alcohol-free extract that is powerful, palatable and safe for the skin & body. A Bio-First gem.



Squalane is the stabilised form of Squalene, a lipid that occurs naturally in our skin. It is highly emollient without having an oily feel. Bio-First uses a premium form made from olives that has high affinity for human skin and helps boost collagen production. Most importantly, Squalane reduces dryness and roughness, making it super suitable for use in a range of unhappy skin situations. It is slowly absorbed by dermal layers and is classified as very low irritant. Bio-First includes this special ingredient to restore natural skin lipids.



Enjoyed worldwide as a culinary herb, thyme is also found in many products such as mouthwash, cosmetics and even chewing gum! Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Romans knew what they were doing when they chose thyme as a valued medicinal. It is a broad spectrum antibacterial, plus anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. We use it as a flavoursome phyto-active in our Immune Support formulations.

Holistic Help


Prevention & Caring For Dry Skin | Bio-First Holistic Help

Prevention & Caring For Dry Skin

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Bio-First Holistic Help: Caring for Eczema-prone Skin during Pregnancy

Caring for Eczema-prone Skin during Pregnancy

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Bio First Wins Gold, Silver & Bronze in the 2024 Universal Beauty Awards

Bio First Wins Gold, Silver & Bronze in the 2024 Universal Beauty Awards

From over 700 entries, Bio-First has won a Gold, Silver & Bronze in the 2024 Universal Beauty Awards 2024.  Our best seller UltraSensitive Skin Rescue lotion...

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